Am I neurodivergent? Are you?
Am I neurodivergent? Are you?
I had a coffee conversation with a fellow entrepreneur, who isĀ "neurodivergent. He talks about it openly on his website.
He is also multi-talented, interested in many things, and craves things being visual.
We had so many things in common that I started thinking I'm at least a little bit neurodivergent, too.
And now I'm wondering:
Is Visual Thinking a "symptom"????
Assuming that you're a Visual thinker:
- Do you find it difficult and exhausting to do focused work by yourself?
- Does live interaction - workshops, live courses, and 1:1 sessions leave you energized?
- Do you prefer visual (round) planners and mind maps over square calendars and spreadsheets?
I call it my "spreadsheet allergy", and I have managed to build my business around it.
But I'm curious:
Are visual thinkers somehow "neurodivergent", in general?
If so, something is seriously wrong with the world!!!
I'd love to hear your wisdom and insights about neurodivergence and visual thinking!