Are your brilliant ideas too darn difficult to explain?

Visual Thinking for Business

Let's sketch your ideas, so you can build your beautiful business

Your coaching turned out great for me. Finally, I have a marketing method that works. A DREAM! I'm so glad that we found what to niche down on. I'm picking up clients, giving my business stability. I'm on the road to success :)

Husain Shekhani, Ph.D., Ultrasonic Transducer Consultant

Connect dots

Are you a visionary entrepreneur or executive, juggling too many ideas? 

You have innovative, visionary ideas for your business, but when you talk about them...

  • Your message sounds generic, and your website reflects that
  • What you do seems to be too difficult to explain – it is intangible, abstract, or complicated
  • You have many ideas, skills and interests. Too many?!
  • It is frustrating that people just don't "get" what you do. (Maybe because you’re not that clear about it yourself?)
  • Creating content for social media or newsletters feels exhausting!


For entrepreneurs, this can lead to inaction. You get bogged down, unsure which vision to follow because you can't see the big picture of your beautiful business.

For executives, you may find too much energy spent on keeping the core business running, leaving little time for the new product development you're passionate about. Your team is capable, but they may not be able to venture as far into the visionary field as needed to uncover the next big idea.

brandstory elements pilot simpler

Let's connect the dots!

That's where I come in. As your visual thinking partner, I help you:

  • See and explore your visions –  beyond where most people stop
  • Draw out your ideas so you can toy with them, turn them inside out, and play with various possibilities
  • Identify which concepts will work and which are no-gos, saving you time, money, and resources
  • Translate abstract thoughts into relatable visual concepts you can see, understand, and act upon
  • Get your team on one page – literally!

We take a deep dive into your business and get it all out on paper.

My goal? To help you create what I call a "beautiful business"—where the elegance of your vision combined with effortless strategy gets you beautiful results.

With my background as an artist and thinker, I dive deep into your visions, past the point where most stop creating and playing with ideas. It's in this space that truly visionary concepts emerge. I not only help you find these ideas but also translate them into tangible, actionable plans you can bring to life.

 If you see your ideas visually before you, it is easy to see patterns and find the compelling red thread.

With your Business Storyboard, it is as if you can walk around in your customer's life.

You'll know exactly how to talk to them, so they can hear you, understand, and are excited to buy from you.

"I got more clarity about my messaging in our first 3-hour consultation
than I have in the past 3 years working with copywriters and consultants."

Christopher Becker, weight loss coach

Work with me

We meet on Zoom. I share my screen.
Together we create a visual map of your ideas, your message and your business while we talk. 

You walk away with clarity, a fresh perspective on your business, and a masterplan for your communication.

Here you can see a video about how to get from your storyboard to your website. And a video about  lighthearted illustrations for serious business here.

My Services



Clarify & express your message

In my Visual Minds Private Program I help you visualize and articulate your

  • vision and purpose
  • your superpower and niche
  • your message- how to speak so it clicks with your ideal client
  • your signature story
  • what to offer
  • your process, methodology, and frameworks
  • create visuals for presentations, your website or social media

To start with, book a Strategy sketch Session to clarify your message and lay out a roadmap to go forward.

Learn to draw


Bring the fun back to your business! 

  • Learn simple sketches that help you sell your service
  • Clarify your message - visually
  • Create your illustrated signature workshop

Group coaching, support and a wonderful international community of coaches & creatives


Simple illustration Self-Study Course

  • Learn to draw simple but expressive illustrations for your business

Unleash your inner artist!



Working with Ingrid is a precious gift! Seeing the big picture of my work on paper, showing how it is connected with my own story, makes everything easy, joyful, and light.

Ingrid's beautiful method saves you hours, weeks if not months of your time. I cannot recommend her enough!

Ilona Bublitz, coach and yoga teacher


What customers are saying


The visual coaching turned out great for me. I'm happy I found a specialization that works. Business is good!

Husain Shekhani PhD, Ultrasonic Advisors


People think „I need to get good at is selling and pitching“. But no. The first thing we need to go deeper on is clarity. This work that Ingrid is doing is where it all starts.

Tad Hargrave, Marketing for Hippies


Absolutely phenomenal

Deborah Harlow, coach and Heart sherpa


This is so cool! I couldn't be happier with my Storyboard. It makes it all more tangible

Jonathan Stark, business consultant




You helped me simplify my thinking

Joy Osaka-Lu, business coach



With her enormous experience and insight, Ingrid was helping me see how to put the whole thing together.

Libbla Kelly, positivity coach



I want to communicate quickly and succinctly how I am helping my clients. The picture helps me to sort it out in my mind.

Michael Fox,


I struggled for a long time trying to understand how all of the pieces of my business fit together  Following only three hours with Lill, I had a visual map of my customer journey in hand that I can share.

Sherry Richert Belul,



Ingrid has terrific insight. Highly recommended for those needing a new level of clarity in their brand.

Rochelle Moulton, authority brand consultant



Ingrid helped me to stand out by drawing the heart of my business. And it inspired me to start drawing my own illustrations, too!

Suzanne Harrison, web designer

You absolutely need to do this work. If you don't know the answers to these questions, you will never be able to position and market yourself.

Pia Silva, Worstofall Design



I am so thrilled with this! Your work captures the essence of my business.

Karen Dietz, business storytelling specialist



"I felt like I was seeing the tapestry of who I am as a professional unfolding before my eyes. I saw ideas, niches, strapline possibilities, new audiences… It was 100% enjoyable and I could see new doors opening as you drew."

Caroline Harvey, Public speaking coach & copywriter